The latest development version can be downloaded here.
The script updates automatically.
Adds carousel entries with useful features like download your guardian / download your face
Replaces a few bank buttons with a link to the forum
Import and export your outfit
Export other guardians' outfits from their profile
Import and export settings
Mark favourite exploration points
Wishlist for the market
Overhaul of the dresser so you can see all items in a category at once
Background image is clear
Translated in French
Unlimited amount of free favourite outfits
Load the entire wardrobe in the background
Exploration history
This project uses pnpm, but it'll probably work
with any NodeJS package manager.
To build, simply run pnpm run build or pnpm run build:windows, the resulting
userscript will be in the dist/ folder. The build script prepends the .meta.js
file after the webpack command finishes because webpack's
BannerPluginis broken
but webpack's members refuse to acknowledge the problem.