Interface MarketEntry

interface MarketEntry {
    abstractType?: string;
    buyNowPrice?: BuyNowPrice;
    currentPrice: CurrentPrice;
    date: string | Date;
    icon: string;
    isowner?: string;
    ispremium?: string;
    itemid: string;
    name: string;
    rarity: Rarity;
    type: Type;
    wearableitemid: string;

Hierarchy (view full)


abstractType?: string

Subtitle of a market item under its name. Bags don't have it.

buyNowPrice?: BuyNowPrice
currentPrice: CurrentPrice
date: string | Date
icon: string
isowner?: string
ispremium?: string
itemid: string

ID of this specific entry on the market

name: string
rarity: Rarity
type: Type
wearableitemid: string

ID of this item+color combo. Eggs are unique though.